Deep Meditation Music: Relax Mind Body, Inner Peace, Relaxing Music, 7 Chakra Book & Align

Tribute at the feet of Sadguru BrahmaRishi Geetanand ji….

One day everyone has to go, then why to panic.

Past time, past life, will not come back again.

Childhood has passed, youth has gone, now old age has to come.

After being trapped in the affair of Maya, I have to regret the end time.

Wealth, wealth, family tribe, everything will be left here.

Let your hands be spread alone, then you will regret behind.

Shower happiness, spread happiness, work is going to go along.

Ram resides in everyone’s house, we have to know by the grace of Guru Geetananda.

Sweet words, good deeds, green name is to go along.

Wake up now traveler, the past time will not come again.

You have to go to the shelter of Guru and erase all your demerits.

Practicing Brahma Yoga, is to awaken self-light.

Krishna’s Krishna Guru Geetananda, surrender to Vatsal Bhagwana.

The one who goes to shelter with a true heart, has to go easily. ।

I bow down to the Guru.

Om Guru Ramanandaya Namah.

योगः चित्त शरीराङ्गवाणिना नैव भवति।

अज्ञानावरणादीन् निवृत्यर्थं शरणागतो$स्मि।

ब्रह्मयोगदीक्षाः प्राप्यर्थं गुरु गीतानन्दं नमोस्तुते।

परं ब्रह्म, परं गुरु, आदि गुरु, सर्व गुरु नमोस्तुते।।

योग न चित्त से होता है, न पैर हाथ आदि शरीर के अंगों से और न ही वाणी से होता है।

अज्ञान आवरण को निवृत करने के लिए, मैं शरणागत हूँ।।

ब्रह्म योग दीक्षा प्राप्त करने के लिए मैं गुरु गीतानन्द को प्रणाम करता हूँ।।

परम ब्रह्म, परम गुरु, आदि गुरु, सभी गुरुवों को मैं प्रणाम करता हूँ। वे सभी गुरु योग के जिज्ञासु सच्चे साधकों का कल्याण करें।

उत्तर दिशा में संत मिले, संशय दिए निवार।

ज्ञान दिया अति हेत से, नमों गुरु दातार।

शिवजी ने उपदेश किया, ब्रह्म योग का ज्ञान।

गीतानन्द अभ्यास करो, तज काया अभिमान।

।। हरिॐ ।।


योगः चित्त शरीराङ्गवाणिना नैव भवति।

अज्ञानावरणादीन् निवृत्यर्थं शरणागतो$स्मि।

ब्रह्मयोगदीक्षाः प्राप्यर्थं गुरु गीतानन्दं नमोस्तुते।

Param Brahma, Param Guru, Adi Guru, All Guru Namostute. ।

Yoga is not done by the mind, not by the feet, hands, etc. from the body organs, nor by the speech.

To retire the cover of ignorance, I surrender. ।

I bow to Guru Geetanand for receiving Brahma Yoga Diksha. ।

I bow down to all the gurus, the supreme Brahma, the supreme Guru, the Adi Guru. May all those who are curious of Guru Yoga, do welfare of true sadhaks.

Saints found in the north direction, gave suspicion.

Knowledge was given with great interest, Namo Guru Datar.

Shivaji preached, the knowledge of Brahma Yoga.

Practice Geetananda, Taj Kaya Pride.

। । God bless you. ।


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