Hari Om Jaap Meditation for Spiritual Healing to Relax Mind

Hari Om Jaap Meditation for Spiritual Healing to Relax Mind - YouTube

As we all aware of the current scenario, the world is busy in making money and is surrounded by numerous diseases because of his or her hectic schedule and the everlasting wish to grow. People have forgotten the real meaning  of life and happiness that they must be  surrounded by. Therefore, yoga and meditation Programmes are organised across the world to bring internal peace and happiness in a human life rather than running for never ending desires in this materialistic world. Brahma Yoga

Benefits of Brahma Yoga and Meditation can be reaped not only by the old but by the young generation as well and similarly not by the athletic but by the unfit as well.

There are following programmes which are being offered by us for world peace and prosperity in everyone’s life.


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